Career & Technical Education

Headed to a four-year college? A two-year college? Straight into the workplace?

Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs can put you a "step ahead" on any path you choose. CTE is an array of courses and programs available that help students prepare for a world that's increasingly oriented toward highly skilled jobs!
And some programs offer additional advantages like...

  • Industry certifications Dual-credit courses with Rappahannock Community College community college 
  • Leadership development through CTE student organizations
  • Scholarships available through student organizations and professional organizations

Career and Technical Education  

King George County Schools

Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students the opportunity to explore multiple career fields across 17 Career Clusters. Students can specialize in a career area that aligns with their passion. CTE programs are available to students at King George Middle and King George High School.

CTE offers students the opportunity to earn industry-recognized certifications related to their coursework, and to participate and take leadership positions in their Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO). Students also have the opportunity for experiential learning opportunities, known as Work-Based Learning (WBL) experiences, which are related to a specific occupational area.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares students for careers across 17 Career Clusters. The programs of study are a coordinated, non-duplicative sequence of academic and technical content at the secondary and postsecondary level that is aligned to local, regional, and state industry needs. The program of study is designed to foster student exploration of multiple careers that leads a student to specialize in a CTE program and pursue a career of interest. Please view the link below to see Chesterfield County Public School’s CTE Program of Study.


The National Career Clusters® Framework serves as an organizing tool for Career Technical Education (CTE) programs, curriculum design, and instruction. There are 16 Career Clusters in the National Career Clusters Framework, a 17th, Energy and Power, in Virginia effective as of July 1, 2019, representing 79 Career Pathways to help learners navigate their way to greater success in college and career.

Career Clusters 


All students in a CTE program have the opportunity to be a part of a Career and Technical Student Association (CTSO). CTSOs are co-curricular organizations that provide students the opportunity to apply their CTE knowledge in a real world setting, develop leadership characteristics, network with local businesses, and take an active part in their community. Students also have the opportunity to participate in local, state, and national competitions. Below are the CTSOs found in King George County Schools associated with each program area.

  • Agricultural Education: FFA
  • Business and Information Technology Education: FBLA
  • Health and Medical Sciences Education: HOSA
  • Marketing Education: DECA
  • Trade and Industrial Education: Skills USA
  • (Not a CTSO) Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training NJROTC

Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an initiative in King George County Schools that provides students experiential learning opportunities while enrolled in CTE courses. WBL helps students apply and extend classroom learning, gain motivation, explore careers, and develop a critical understanding of the work environment.

WBL experiences are part of a coordinated continuum of experiences including, but not limited to, guest speakers, field trips, informational interviews, job shadowing, service-learning projects, internships, apprenticeships, and cooperative education. 

WBL experiences allow students to further develop their 21st century skills (5C’s: critical thinking skills, collaboration skills, communication skills, creative thinking skills, and citizen skills), grow their professional network, and gain vital on-the-job experiences related to their coursework. 

King George County Schools CTE is currently in the initial stages of the WBL initiative, and will build out a formal program over the upcoming years.


Each CTE program of study offers students the opportunity to earn an industry recognized certification related to their coursework. In 2021-22, 548 credentials were achieved, 490 industry certifications were earned and 21 state licensures were awarded to students in King George County Schools.  

Link to Work-Based Learning

Link to VDOE CTE Student Organizations

Link to CTE Industry Credentials and Certifications

Link to VDOE CTE Perkins Grant Information

Link to VDOE CTE Career Resources

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