New Student Registration for the 25-26 School Year is expected to open on the following dates.
This page will be updated at that time.
March 10, 2025: New students enrolling in King George Virtual Academy
April 7, 2025: New Kindergarten Students
April 28, 2025: New students in Grades 1-12

You will need to upload the following documents in the applicable sections of the online registration process during Step 2.
Proof of Residency in King George - See below for additional information.
In order to attend King George County Schools, students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) must be bona fide residents living in King George County. This means the family [students and their parent(s)/guardian(s)] lives and sleeps in King George County. All documents must be current, valid, and reflect the address being used to enroll the student. In some circumstances, additional documentation may be required.
Documentation must include one of the following PRIMARY DOCUMENTS:
AND one of the following SECONDARY DOCUMENTS:
real estate tax bill/statement, homeowner's/renter's insurance, current utility bill or letter of account from utility company (gas, electric, or water only).
These documents are optional depending on the student's current status. If you have these documents available, please upload them where indicated.
- Copy of student IEP or 504 - If applicable; KGCS will receive an official copy from the previous school, but it is helpful to review prior to enrollment to schedule any meetings or services as soon as possible.
NOTE: You will need to bring your child's original birth certificate and the parent's current Photo ID to the in-person registration appointment. Please see STEP 3 below for more information on these documents.
Important Notes about Uploading Documents
You will need to upload the documents listed above into the online registration system. Please prepare them in advance!
You will need to be able to access these documents on the device you will use for registration. You can save these documents by scanning paper copies, saving PDFs from online accounts, or by taking clear pictures of them.
If your documents are saved on your phone, you will need to email them to yourself or use a cloud-based drive so that you can access them from the device you will use for registration. A computer, laptop, chromebook, or larger device such as an iPad is preferred. The online registration system is not compatible with phones or smaller devices. Smoot Library in King George has public access computers available.
Each item must be submitted while active in the PowerSchool Enrollment system and before pressing 'SUBMIT' on the final registration screen. You can save your progress and come back later to add information or uploads. However, once you hit the 'SUBMIT' button, the registration system closes and you will not be able to edit information or add documents.

After gathering and preparing all supporting documents, you will log onto the PowerSchool Enrollment System to Create an Account.
After you Create an Account, save your username and password! We do not have access to this information. Follow the instructions to login using your new account and complete the information on the registration screens. The information you provide must match the information on the supporting documents exactly (legal name, address, etc.).
You will need an email address to set up the online account. If you do not have one, please create one prior to beginning registration.
Only online registrations will be accepted at this time. In-person technical assistance and paper versions of the registration forms will not be available until after June 1. More information will be provided here at that time.

After you have completed the online registration in the PowerSchool Enrollment System, school staff will review the information for accuracy and completeness. You will be contacted if more information is needed.
Once all online requirements have been completed, you will be contacted via email to schedule an in-person appointment to finalize the registration process. Final registration appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis after all of the above documents are received. In-person appointments may not be scheduled for several weeks, so please be patient. Walk-in appointments are not available.
Next steps for the in-person appointment will be included in the email. Please make sure the parent email you include in the PowerSchool Enrollment System is correct and up-to-date, and that you check it frequently, including Spam and Junk mail folders for emails from [email protected].
You will need to bring the following documents with you to your in-person registration appointment because they must be verified in person by the registrar. Copies, uploads, or electronic versions are not acceptable.
Original Birth Certificate - Copies are not acceptable. If you need a new birth certificate in Virginia, information can be found at the Virginia Office of Vital Records. DMV is also able to assist in obtaining birth certificates. The CDC website has information on how to access Vital Records in all 50 states.
Parent/Guardian Government issued picture ID - Examples include passport, driver's license, military ID card, or DMV issued ID Card (sometimes called a 'walking ID'). This is to verify the identity of the enrolling parent. The address should match the registration address.
If you have recently moved, please make sure the address has been updated to the current King George address that matches your child's registration address. If you do not receive your new ID prior to your registration appointment, you will need to bring in your current photo ID and the print-off from DMV showing the address change is in process.

If you need technical help in the PowerSchool Enrollment System, click on the "Help" button on the top right hand corner of the registration screen.
If you have questions about registration, contact your school's secretary. Please include the subject line "New Student Registration - last name" and put your child's last name in the subject line.
SES: Jessica Haghverdi at [email protected]
PES: Tonia Smith at [email protected]
KGES: Tracy Newton at [email protected]
KGMS: Lori Martin at [email protected]
KGHS: Amanda Archer at [email protected]
Please notify the school registration secretary immediately if your family is in transition and experiencing circumstances that may impact registration and enrollment such as:
- experiencing housing instability, or
- residency concerns such as a pending move with closing dates after the first day of school, or
- active duty military with PCS or deployment impacting school registration, registration, or
- federal employees serving under orders pursuant to Title 22 or 50 of the United States Code, or
- if your family has other extenuating circumstances that you believe meet the requirements for enrollment in King George County Schools.
If you have questions about the registration process that cannot be answered by the school secretary, please contact Tammy Groves, secretary to the Office of Student and Family Services at [email protected].
In all email correspondence, please include the subject line "New Student Registration - last name" and put your child's last name.