Homebound Instruction

The goal of homebound services is to provide continuity of educational services between the classroom and home or health care facility, for students whose medical needs, both physical and/or psychiatric, do not allow school attendance for a limited period of time. Homebound instruction may be used to supplement the classroom program for students with health impairments whose conditions may interfere with regular school attendance (e.g., students receiving dialysis or radiation/chemotherapy; or students with other serious health conditions). Homebound instruction is not intended to supplant school services and is by design temporary. While no specific number of days can be set due to the many complex situations that arise for students, instruction should take place in the school setting to the fullest extent possible. The student's inability to attend school for medical reasons, both physical and psychiatric, must be certified by a licensed physician or licensed clinical psychologist.

Eligibility for homebound instructional services is a collaborative decision between the treating health care provider, parent/guardian, and school personnel. Prior to requesting homebound services, the parent/guardian should explore options for school-based instruction with school personnel. If homebound services are needed, approval of services is based upon a completed medical certification of need. The medical certification of need is the health care provider's documentation of the student's illness, treatment plan, and the estimated length of recovery time. The certification must be fully completed, including parental permission to contact the treating physician or licensed clinical psychologist, in order for the student to be considered for homebound services. The school division reviews all requests for completeness of information and appropriateness of the request and will follow up with the treating physician or licensed clinical psychologist to clarify the need for homebound instruction versus school-based instruction with appropriate accommodations, as necessary. Homebound services are for student illness/injury only.

If it is necessary for homebound instruction to be extended beyond 9 weeks, the medical certification of need will need to completed again by the physician and parent. 

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