Program of Services

Services for gifted/talented students are provided at all grades. Services differ across grade ranges. At the primary levels kindergarten through grade two, students are cluster-grouped in classrooms. Additionally, students will be brought together in their elementary school each week for in-depth study, problem solving explorations, and independent reading and research activities with a Gifted Resource Teacher. The Gifted Resource Teacher collaborates with teachers who have identified students in their classrooms.

In grades 3-5, students attend the gifted center at King George Elementary. Students receive daily instruction in their specific academic aptitudes (math and/or language arts) with a gifted resource teacher.

At the six, seventh and eighth grades, student are grouped with teachers who have received training to work with the gifted and talented. During the course of the school day, students move in and out of designated gifted classes in their identified academic aptitudes.

At the high school level, students are directed toward honors, AP courses, and dual enrollment courses. Services and opportunities for special activities and collaboration are expanding at this level. KGCS participates in two academic-year Governor's Schools. Chesapeake Bay Governor's school serves students in grades 10-12 with an emphasis on marine science and math. The Commonwealth Governor's School serves students in grades 9-12 and has a site located at King George High School.

More information about the Governor's Schools can be found on their webpages.
Chesapeake Bay Governor's School
Commonwealth Governor's School

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