Health Services Information

Health Clinic Services

The following products have been approved for use by the School Health Advisory Committee and the Rappahannock Emergency Medical Services Council as first aid and illness treatments:

  • isopropyl alcohol 
  • antibiotic ointment
  • bactine
  • calamine lotion
  • throat spray
  • first aid cream
  •  hand lotion
  •  isotonic eye wash
  •  saline contact solution
  •  vaseline

  **Generic forms of the above may be substituted.

School nurses will do an assessment on students who visit the clinic, administer first aid as needed, and assist students in returning to class, ready to learn. School nurses and building designees have protocols from a local physician and the Rappahannock Area School Health TEAM for emergency medications for asthma episodes and severe allergic reactions which occur during the school day at the school site.  These emergency situations would involve 911 transport to an ER.

Medication/Treatment Administration

In compliance with KGCS policy, we do not administer or supervise prescriptions or over-the-counter medications nor medical treatments without a physician's order and written parent or guardian permission. The first dose or administration of any medication or treatment should be done at home.  A new medication treatment form must be completed annually and on file at the school clinic for any medication/treatment administered at school or during school activities. The most frequently used health care plans and the medication/treatment forms can be found in the forms section of this page.

Individual arrangements need to be made for transporting medication to and from the school. It is preferred that students do not transport medication to or from school. All medications must be presented in their original pharmacy container with the student's name, name of medication, name of prescribing physician, and dosage with beginning and ending date. This medication must be accompanied by a physician's medication order and parental permission for administration.

All medications/supplies must be picked up by parents by the last day of school or they will be discarded by school personnel.

Mandated Health Screenings

Vision and hearing screenings are mandated by Code of Virginia Law 22.1-273 for all new students and students in grades K, 3, 7, and 10. The school nurse will schedule screenings during the first 60 days of school and referrals will be sent home if your student does not pass either screening. If you have any helpful information regarding your student's vision or hearing, please send a note to your school nurse. If you do not not wish to participate and would like to provide a screening by your family physician, please contact your school nurse.

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