Important Announcements
*AP EXAMS are scheduled by the College Board during several weeks each spring, typically in April and May. The registration deadline for exams that will be offered locally at KGHS is March 1 each year. Contact Terri Morrison at 540-775-3535 x 3201 for registration information, as well as the list of exams KGHS offers.
*PSAT/NMSQT EXAMS are scheduled by the College Board at various testing locations around the country on specific dates. KGHS typically hosts the PSAT in October of each year. Registration deadlines are established by the College Board. Contact Terri Morrison at 540-775-3535 x 3201 for registration information.
For more information about these exams, or the availability of financial assistance to low-income and needy students, please view the College Board website at
*PreACT is not offered at King George County Schools. For more information on testing locations, registration deadlines, and financial assistance, please visit the ACT website.
Student Records
Parents should maintain copies of all documents regarding home instruction. This includes your NOI, evidence of progress, and the letter of acknowledgement received from KGCS. We do not maintain or provide additional copies. We can not discuss your child's home instruction with anyone, including colleges, military recruiters, or employers. With written parent permission, we can acknowledge whether or not the student completed the notification process and is in compliance with Va. Code.
From the Virginia Department of Education's (VDOE) home instruction manual:
"Neither VDOE nor public school divisions maintain any academic records, such as transcripts or diploma status, for students who have been home schooled. Thus, the Department cannot verify a home schooled student's high school graduation status for military recruiters, colleges, universities, technical schools, employers, or any other entity. With the parent's permission or the student's permission if the student has reached the age of 18, organizations or individuals may contact the relevant local school division for information as to whether the student completed the home instruction process."
Section 22.1-254.1.G prohibits school divisions from disclosing to the Virginia Department of Education or any other person or entity outside of the local school division information from a parent or student regarding election to provide home instruction or regarding a claim of a religious exemption without the parent's written consent.
Part-Time Enrollment in King George County Schools
Section 22.1-253.13:2.N of the Code of Virginia allows (but does not require) school boards to permit part-time
attendance of children receiving home instruction or enrolled in non-public schools under the provisions of § 22.1-254.1 of the Code of Virginia.
KGCS does permit home instruction and non-public school students to apply for part-time enrollment. If you would like to apply for part-time enrollment, please click here to read the instructions and access the application.
If you are a current KGCS student and you wish to withdraw to home instruction and enroll as a part-time student, you must withdraw to home instruction first by submitting your Notice of Intent and then apply for part-time enrollment. Children are not permitted to remain enrolled in school, attend class, or participate in school activities during the application process. Schools/teachers do not have the authority to enroll students on a part-time basis. Please contact this office to begin the application process.
Deadlines: Students in grades K-8 must apply before July 15 for the upcoming school year. Students in grades 9-12 must apply before July 15 for the Fall semester and before December 1 for the Spring Semester. Applications received after the deadline and through the first week of school may be considered as space and resources allow. Decisions are based in part on available resources and class sizes. Therefore, part-time applications may not receive acceptances until the week prior to the start of the semester.
Part time students enrolled in courses with SOL tests are required to take these tests under the same regulations as full time students.
In addition, all private school and home school students in grades 9-12 that live in King George County and who are otherwise eligible for membership in a Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corp (JROTC) unit maintained by a secondary school but for their lack of enrollment in the division, are eligible to apply for part-time enrollment in JROTC at King George High School.
Part-time enrolled students who are members in the division’s JROTC units must comply with behavioral, disciplinary, attendance and other rules applicable to all students, including rules governing the use of the division’s computer systems. If a student fails to comply, the school may withhold credit and/or terminate the student's participation in addition to taking any disciplinary action that would be taken against a full-time student for similar conduct.
Additional Information
Special Education - Evaluation and related services may be available for home school students who are identified as needing additional support in their educational process. Please contact the Supervisor of Special Services at 540-775-5833 ext. 8621 for additional information.
Athletics - Home instruction students, including those enrolled part-time, are not eligible to participate in athletics under VHSL eligibility guidelines.