"Transporting the youth of King George County throughout their educational path"
King George County Public Schools' transportation employees are an integral part of the school division. We are dedicated to our position not for the money, but for devotion to the safety of our children. The entire transportation department i.e. bus drivers, bus monitors, mechanics and office staff welcome the responsibility of transporting your child to and from school each day, as if they were our own. Our commitment is to keep your child safe from portal to portal, everyday.
We are dedicated to providing your child a safe, reliable mode of transportation; meanwhile, we extend the learning environment outside of the school building atmosphere where we encourage students to be courteous and fair minded towards others feelings, learning mutual respect towards others and being responsible for their actions.
The Transportation Depot is located at: 13283 James Madison Pkwy, King George, VA 22485
Enter your address in this map to find your elementary school zone. Click Here for a PDF map.
Versatrans E-Link:Student Route Information
Use this link- https://versatransweb04.tylertech.com/KingGeorge/elinkrp/login.aspx
Login: Child's Student ID #
Password: Student Birthday (Two digit month and two digit date and four digit year no dashes or spaces Example - March 25, 2008 is 03252008)
Once logged in; select the icon "Students" in the top left corner. Next select "View My Student" to retrieve transportation assignments associated with that student ID #. If your students pick up and/or drop off information is incorrect please contact the school to update your address, then call transportation @ 540-775-3870 for a new bus schedule.
Versatrans My Stop App
The Versatrans My Stop App is available in the Apple Store and on Google Play. This app is part of the Versatrans system and allows parents to track their child's bus location using the student ID number and password.

FOG PLAN: To aid in maximizing student safety during dense fog conditions (less than 1/4 mile visibility); school buses will not pick up/drop off students who live in the following areas.
- James Madison Pkwy (Rt. 301): Port Royal Bridge to the intersection of Windsor Drive (Rt. 218) in both north and southbound directions.
- Kings Highway (Rt. 3): Stafford County Line to the intersection of 13283 James Madison Pkwy, King George, VA 22485 Road (Rt. 609) in both east and west bound directions.
- Kings Highway (Rt. 3): Westmoreland County Line to the intersection of James Madison Parkway (Rt. 301) in both east and west bound directions.
****Once conditions have become more favorable, we will pick up students who may not have been transported to school or met the bus in a safe location along the route.
WAIVER OF STUDENT SUPERVISION: Click Here This waiver is for students who are in the 1st grade to the age of 10 (through age 9), to be released from the school bus without supervision from a guardian who is at least 13 years of age or older. ALL Kindergarten students must be met at the bus stop by a guardian 13 years of age or older.
LATE OR DELAYED BUS INFORMATION: By signing up for SchoolMessenger under Quick Links on the KGCS website, and selecting transportation notifications; you will receive a phone call, text message or email message when your child's bus has a substitute driver or is expected to be delayed. If you wish to opt-out of receiving phone calls or text messages for transportation calls, click here for information on how to change your preferences in School Messenger.
Joe Grigsby
Supervisor of Transportation
[email protected]